Click the Save menu item or the tool bar button to save any modifications made in the current session back to the server. vPlanner will first check that the locally modified tasks can be saved to the server by attempting to check them out to the active user. Any conflicts (e.g. if an administrator freed and modified the task since the last time the current user checked it out or if the task is freed and checked out to another administrator) that prevent the save action from being completed successfully will be reported to the user. Note that vPlanner does not save any task information to the local computer.
The status bar will show when the plan has changes that need to be saved and will indicate when the plan has no changes.

Saving changes does not download changes made to the plan by other users. Use the Synchronize tool to save and download the most recent changes.
Make sure to exit vPlanner when you are done making changes to free up any tasks that are checked out to you.
Reliable Network: To avoid loss of work, a reliable network connection is required to save changes successfully. Please note, that vPlanner does not need to always be connected to the server. In the event network connection is lost while there are unsaved changes, keep vPlanner open, find a better network connection, then try to save your work again.