plan better with vPlanner



Project Drop Down  (Required)

1. Project Drop Down  (Required)
Use the Project Drop Down to select the project you wish to open.  The list will include all the projects assigned to your company. 
Note: You can only open projects that have their Status set to be enabled in the Projects Attribute Editor.  Your project administrator can enable or disable projects.

Workplan Status Dashboard

2. Workplan Status Dashboard
This is a live dashboard that shows the status of requests sent to you or your company and the status of all active work plan commitments.  The bars will show the summary of your work plan tasks, your company's work plan tasks, and the total work plan tasks for the entire project.  You can use the Team filters to narrow down what you see based on specific teams.

Requests to You or

Your Company  (Clickable)

3. Requests to You or 
Your Company  (Clickable)
             If there are requests assigned to you in the plan, they will show in the first part of the Requests bar. The second part shows the number of requests sent to other users from your                 company. Clicking anywhere on this bar will activate the corresponding Workflow pull down item.

Your Commitments (Clickable)

4. Your Commitments (Clickable)
This is a clickable image.  The chart will display the status of your commitments on the work plan.  If you click this chart image, you will be able to open vPlanner with a customized view showing your workplan commitments.
Clicking anywhere on this bar will activate the corresponding Workflow pull down item.

Your Company's Commitments (Clickable)

  5. Your Company's Commitments (Clickable)
            This is a clickable image.  The chart will display the status of your company's commitments on the workplan.  If you click this chart image, you will be able to open vPlanner with a                 customized view showing your company's workplan commitments. Clicking anywhere on this bar will activate the corresponding Workflow pull down item.

All Commitments (Clickable)

  6. All Commitments (Clickable)
            This is a clickable image.  The chart will display the status of all commitments on the workplan.  If you click this chart image, you will be able to open vPlanner with a customized view              showing all workplan commitments. Clicking anywhere on this bar will activate the corresponding Workflow pull down item.


Drop Down  (Optional)

7. Workflow 
Drop Down  (Optional)
The Workflow selection is optional.  You can use options under this Drop Down to filter the plan to see tasks for a specific team, tasks for your company, or tasks assigned to you.  Below are the workflow options.

Teams List

8.  Teams List
If there are Teams defined for the selected project, you will see those teams listed under the Team's area. 
You can select a team or teams to display their tasks as a default when vPlanner opens the plan. 

None and Not Options

9. None and Not Options
When Checked, the team list selections will be cleared.

Include WIP

10. Include WIP
This option is off/disabled by default.  When enabled, vPlanner will open the selected project including any Work In Progress (WIP) activities. 
See Tools/Publishing Manager for more details.  Only Premium users have access to publish or un-publish parts of the plan.

Include Archived

11. Include Archived
This option is off/disabled by default.  When selected, vPlanner will open the selected project including any Archived activities.  See Archiving for more details.
See Tools/Archive Completed Tasks for more details.  Only Premium users have access to archive completed tasks.


12. Synchronize
vPlanner will update the Projects and Teams listed, and any workplan summary data if they were modified on the server after opening this dialog.


13. OK
             Click this button to open the plan. The OK button will be enabled once you select a valid project from the Project Drop Down


14. Cancel
Click this button to close the dialog.
Note: If you did not select a valid project, vPlanner will open with a read only view without an active project.
In this mode, Premium users can customize settings for Companies and Users without opening an active project.