plan better with vPlanner

Open or Save vPlanner Layout View

vPlanner only stores the plan topology in the database.  In order to store layout information between vPlanner sessions or if a user wishes to share the layout of a specific view with other users, the vPlanner Layout files can be used.
The native layout files produced by vPlanner use the *.vPlanner file extension which is the default extension for the Export/Import dialogs.  This file format is based on a graph representation known as GraphML, a standard XML format for reading and writing graph data and can be read into various tools that support the GraphML language as long as those tools implement the appropriate parsers to interpret extended attribute information (for more information see:
When a vPlanner file is imported, the following steps are performed:
  • The current plan is updated from the database.
  • The currently displayed plan is cleared.
  • The GraphML file is imported and displayed.
  • The displayed tasks are updated based on the latest information from the database including their status and type information (Note that if a task is no longer in the plan it will be displayed in White and will have the text “Not Found” added to its description).
  • The hidden predecessors and successors information is updated from the database version.