Use this button to save changes to the server. Notice that only the changes you made to the plan will be saved. Changes that other users made in parallel will not be downloaded to your current session. Calculations will not be updated.
Use this button to save and synchronize with the server. All your changes will be saved, all changes made and saved by other users will be downloaded, and the calculations will be updated.
Type a vPlanner Task ID or an External Task ID and hit the Enter key on the keyboard to focus on the associated task in the plan. If the task is found, vPlanner will zoom to that task in the Main Plan Window and will unhide it if it is hidden.
Use this button to toggle the display of the Secondary Planning Window. This is an alternate fully editable network view of the plan that can be used to step through the logic of the currently selected task or constraint in the Main Planning Window.
Use this button to manually update the calculations. You will be able to calculate the plan without savings changes or to synchronize then calculate the plan.
When enabled, you will be able to use shortcut keyboard keys (D, C, O, N) to status activities on a workplan in batch mode. You may also use the buttons on the tool bar as well.
D: sets the status of the selection (one task or multiple tasks) to Done (Completed Pending)
C: sets the status of the selection (one task or multiple tasks) to Committed Pending
O: sets the status of a committed task (or tasks) to ongoing and reduces its duration based on elapsed time.
N: set the status of the selected task to Not Complete or Ongoing. This tool requires a single selection.