plan better with vPlanner



Remove Groups

1. Remove Groups
Deletes all visible temporary groups or swimlanes table graphics.  There will be no structural changes to the plan itself as groups and swimlanes are not saved to the server.

Group Chains

2. Group Chains
A chain is a set of connected tasks.  Use this tool to temporarily place groups around any chains in the plan to visualize task connectivity.

Group or Swimlanes Shortcuts

3. Group or Swimlanes Shortcuts
Menu tools here provide access to preset groups or swimlanes based on task attributes.  You can use the Swimlanes composer for more control over how to group activities. 

Daily Planning Board

4. Daily Planning Board
Create a daily planning board view of the visible tasks.  Each visible task will be split into single day tasks and displayed under the appropriate forecast start date. 

Swimlanes Dialog

5. Swimlanes Dialog
Opens the Swimlanes Composer Dialog.