plan better with vPlanner

Go-Back Work Manager

(Premium and Professional Users)
This tool provides a practical solution to a common problem many teams face when implementing the Last Planner® System.  Sometimes, a production activity is complete enough to allow a clean handoff without interrupting production flow, however a few things may need to be done later to fully complete the original activity.  Conventional scheduling systems provided a work around that allows successor activities to be completed even if their predecessors are not complete.  This results in confusion schedules that are difficult to follow.  vPlanner includes a tool (Go-Back Work Manager) to manage those kinds of activities in a much simpler way.  It includes a new status code: “Complete with Go-Back” where the Go-Back work is recorded and associated with the original task. vPlanner will track all identified Go-Back work so that the production managers can come back later and plan the Go-Back work in collaboration with the respective team members.  New metrics are also introduced to track and report on Go-Back activities as they may indicate opportunities for improvement.
Go-Back Work Manager


1. View
Select any rows in the Go-Back work manager, then click the option under the View menu to isolate the related tasks in the main plan window.


2. Plan
Select any rows in the Go-Back work manager, then click the option under the Plan menu to insert new tasks in the plan.  When tasks are inserted, the Go-Back status will be checked to indicate that those Go-Back activities are now part of the plan.  Note that you can reinsert the Go-Back tasks multiple times if required.  The inserted tasks will inherit all the attributes of the original tasks.

Reset Column Visibility

3. Reset Column Visibility
Reset columns to defaults if some where hidden.

Hide Planned

4. Hide Planned

Go-Back  Planned Status

5. Go-Back  Planned Status
This will identify which Go-Back activities have already been planned.

Column Visibility

6. Column Visibility
Use this tool to turn on or off the visible columns.

Enable Column Filters

7. Enable Column Filters


8. Add
Select any rows in the Go-Back work manager, then click the option under the Plan menu to insert new tasks in the plan.  When tasks are inserted, the Go-Back status will be checked to indicate that those go-back activities are now part of the plan.  Note that you can reinsert the go-back tasks multiple times if required.  The inserted tasks will inherit all the attributes of the original tasks (similar to the Plan menu option)


9. Save
Save changes.