

Show/Hide all Tasks

1. Show/Hide all Tasks
Show or Hide all tasks (including completed tasks) in the main plan window.

Show/Hide  Selected Tasks

2. Show/Hide  Selected Tasks
Either hide the selected tasks or hide everything except the selected tasks. 

Hide Completed or WIP Tasks

3. Hide Completed or WIP Tasks
Hides all completed tasks that are visible.
Select a sub menu under Archived or WIP to respectively hide visible archived tasks or to hide the Work In Progress tasks that are visible.

Task QA/QC Tools

4. Task QA/QC Tools
Use those menu options to perform QA/QC on the plan. 
  • Detached Tasks are tasks that are not connected to any other tasks (if all the predecessors of a task are complete, it is considered a detached task). 
  • Non-Milestone Driven Tasks are those tasks not tied to a downstream milestone.  You should always aim to tie tasks to a target milestone, otherwise vPlanner has no way of assigning a priority to the tasks.
  • Isolate Resource Constrained Tasks: This tool will isolate the tasks connected by resource constraints in the current plan.  All other tasks will be hidden.  This is a useful tool to verify the intent of resource linking in the plan.

Expand One Layer of Constraints

5. Expand One Layer of Constraints
The menu items here will step through all visible tasks and will either unhide one layer of predecessors and successors or all hidden predecessors of all visible tasks.
Workflow Tip: You can use those tools to perform constraint analysis on the visible tasks.  Before applying this tool, select all tasks, click CNTR-G to apply a temporary group and then apply the tool.  All hidden constraining tasks will become visible and will be placed outside the temporary group.  You can remove the group by selecting it and hitting the delete key.

Show Constraints From Other Teams

6. Show Constraints From Other Teams
When applying this tool, if the visible tasks are constrained by tasks assigned to a different team, the constraining tasks will be made visible and are temporarily colored in white to distinguish them from the rest of the visible tasks.  You can reset them back to default colors using the Tools menu/Reset Tasks to Default Style.

Custom Trace

7. Custom Trace
See the Custom Trace Dialog for more information

Constraint Lines

8. Constraint Lines
You can use the submenu items here to manage the visibility of the resource constraint lines.