Task Colors Legend

This dialog can be used to produce a color coded legend of the companies of the users that are assigned to the project.  You can control the layout of the squares by modifying the Ratio of the layout or by adjusting the distance between the columns and rows of the grid.  The list of the companies will be automatically sorted alphabetically.
Task Colors Legend


1. Type
Select the type of legend to produce.  You can switch between the various Legend types.


2. Ratio
Determines the layout style for the color legend.  1:1 will produce and fit the layout into a square for example.


3. Spacing
The spacing between the colored boxes.  The default task size is 288x288 which corresponds to a 3x3 inch post-it note. The default spacing is 25 of 288 (proportional to the task size).


4. Font
Modify the font style for the descriptive text displayed inside the box.