Finalize Work Plan
![1](images/drex_bullet_1.png) Report Type
Use this pull down to isolate your own commitments based on your username, your companies commitments, a specific team's commitments, or the entire project's commitments.
![2](images/drex_bullet_2.png) Workplan Start - End Dates
This will show the Start Date and the End Date of the selected team's workplan.
![3](images/drex_bullet_3.png) Summary By Status
Each of those cells will display the summary of the matching commitments in the plan. Click the Cell to isolate those tasks.
![4](images/drex_bullet_4.png) Synchronize
Synchronize with the server.
![5](images/drex_bullet_5.png) Finalize Workplan
When this button is enabled, you can finalize the work plan. Commitments Remaining count should be zero for any given team to enable this button.
![6](images/drex_bullet_6.png) Swimlanes Option
If this is enabled, the resulting tasks will be automatically arranged in the most appropriate swimlane layout.