Filter Dialog

The filter dialog provides flexible search and filter options to find anything in the plan.  For example, you can search and filter all committed tasks or completed tasks that are assigned to a Team, AND/OR, in Building 1 and are assigned to a specific user. All visual search tools in vPlanner are simply specific applications of the combinations that are possible in this filter dialog. You can also use this tool to visualize the structure of the overall plan. 
How the Filters Work:
The filter dialog is composed of four TABs.  Multiple selections from each of the Tab pages produce logical OR search statements.  They can be combined with multiple selections from any other column to compose complex AND/OR searches.  The checkbox (“None”) under certain columns, if checked, includes tasks in the search result that are NOT assigned the attribute of the criteria column.  For example, if you select two teams and check the “None” button the search will return the tasks that belong to both teams as well as the tasks that are NOT assigned to any team.  The last tab in the dialog contains the text-based fields.  Any substring can be used to pattern match against the values assigned to the tasks in the plan.
Filter Dialog

Task Attribute Filter Pages  (Tab Pages)

1. Task Attribute Filter Pages  (Tab Pages)
Select each of the TAB pages to see applicable filters. 
TAB 1 - Filter by Team, Company, Users, Package, or Phase.
TAB 2 - Filter by Locations (Components, Floors, Elevations, Zones, or Spaces).
TAB 3 - Filter by Status, System, Device, Department, or Type.
TAB 4 - Filter by Description, User Attributes, Categories, or Go-Back status

Available Attribute Items

2. Available Attribute Items
Selections from within the same attribute kind are treated as OR searches. 

Attribute Filter

3. Attribute Filter
Use this text field to filter items within the list. 

Clear The Filters

4. Clear The Filters
Clears the currently assigned selections in the TAB pages and resets the filter.

AND - OR  Search

5. AND - OR  Search
Compose AND or OR logical searches when selections are made across Attributes.  The default is AND.

Result  Task Count

6. Result  Task Count
The resulting task count after applying the filter.

Select the Results

7. Select the Results
When this button is clicked, the result of filter will be selected.  This is useful if you plan to modify their attributes.


8. Apply
Apply will apply the result (produces a visual layout) and keeps the filter dialog open.
             Apply | Close will apply the result (produces a visual layout) and hides the filter dialog.  All settings will be remembered when you open the dialog.


9. Close
Hides the filter dialog.  All settings will be remembered when you reopen the dialog.

Close and Reset

10. Close and Reset
If you use this button to close the dialog, it will reset all its value to defaults.