Custom Trace

Custom Trace

Set Nest Level

1. Set Nest Level
Select the nest level for the trace search.  The default is one layer deep to isolate the immediate neighbors of the tasks based on the nest level and the trace direction settings.


2. Options
Click the options for the tasks you wish to include in the selection based on their status.  The default is to exclude the completed tasks and hide anything that is not in the result set.  If you click "Keep Visible Tasks", then the results of the isolate command will be added to the visible tasks.


3. Direction
You can isolate the predecessors, successors, or both.


4. Action
Select the action of the trace.  Click Filter to isolate the results.  Click Select to isolate and select the result.

Apply the Result

5. Apply the Result
Click Apply to isolate the trace results and keep the trace dialog open.  Click the Apply | Close button to close the dialog after performing the trace command.